
Dental Science Updates

 About journal

Dental Science Updates is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal which is published biannually in English. The journal is the official publication of the Faculty of Dentistry, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt. The abbreviated title is "Dent Sci Updates"

 Aims and scope

Dental Science Updates (DSU) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that strives to disseminate novel and high-quality knowledge and information on different specialities related to the oral and dental structures in health and disease.

Topics covered include themanagement of oral and dental disease, oral medicine and periodontology, endodontology, restorative dentistry, fixed and removable prosthodontics, maxillofacial radiology, pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, dental biomaterials science, biomedical science, bioengineering, oral biology, epidemiology and social science as well as oral health and dental education.

The DSU accepts perspectives, review articles, original articles, clinical trials, case reports and series, short communications, research letters, translational research, correspondence and letters to the editor. Articles with clinical interest and implications will be given preference.

Dental Science Updates offers Online First, by which accepted manuscripts are published online immediately before they are scheduled to appear in print.


Editor in-chief: Professor/ Dalia Mokhtar Fayyad



Assistant editor: Dr. Nasreldin Rashad



Corresponding E-mail:dsu@dent.suez.edu.eg

Telephone: 01061100402

follow link :- - Guidelines for Authors

 Dental science ISSUE 1 march 2020

 Dental science ISSUE 2 October 2020

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